Why quinuclidine is a stronger base than aniline and N,N dimethyl aniline ?

Why quinuclidine is a stronger base than N,N dimethyl aniline ?

In N,N dimethyl aniline the electron pair on N-atom can undergo resonance with the ring through pi bond. So electron on N-atom in N,N dimethylaniline is not available for protonation

But in case of quinuclidine having a bridge bond which is perpendicular to the other ring and a flat N-atom is not possible and so resonance is inhibited.

That is, due to steric inhibition of resonance the electron pair on N-atom is more available for protonation and consequently,quinuclidine is a strong base than N,N dimethyl aniline.


Why quinuclidine is a stronger base than aniline ?

In aniline the electron pair on N-atom can undergo resonance with the ring through pi bond.So electron on N-atom in aniline is not available for  protonation.

But in case of quinuclidine the bridge is perpendicular to the other ring and a flat N-atom is not possible and so resonance is inhibited.

That is, due to steric inhibition of resonance the electron pair on N-atom is more available for protonation and consequently,quinuclidine is a strong base than aniline.

Why 1-phenylpiperidine is less basic than 3,4 dihydro-2H-1,4 ethanoquinoline?

The lone pair on N-atom in 1-phenylpiperidine undergoes resonance with the pi electrons of benzene ring , so it is unavailable for donation to Lewis acid.

But in 3,4 dihydro-2H-1,4 ethanoquinoline compound, due to presence a  long  bridge bond resonance is not possible .

Because the bridge bond is perpendicular to the other ring.Hence,lone pair of electron on N-atom  is available for protonation.

Consequently the compound is more stronger base than 1-phenylpiperidine.

Summary : 

      Why quinuclidine is a stronger base than aniline and N,N dimethyl aniline ?
      Why 1-phenylpiperidine is less basic than 3,4 dihydro-2H-1,4 ethanoquinoline ?

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