What are oxidation and reduction reactions with example?


What are oxidation and reduction reactions with example?


What is meaning of oxidation in chemistry?

Previous concept of oxidation

A chemical reaction in which oxygen or any other electronegative element or radical is added to an element or compound or hydrogen or any other electropositive element or radical is removed from a compound is called oxidation.

For example, rusting of iron, burning of forest, etc. are examples of natural oxidation. Because of addition of oxygen take place in these reactions.

oxidation and reduction reactions

Electronic or modern concept of oxidation

Oxidation is the chemical process by which an atom, molecule, or ion give up one or more electrons.

What is meaning of reduction in chemistry?

Previous concept of reduction

A chemical reaction in which hydrogen or any other electropositive element or radical is added to an element or compound or oxygen or any other electronegative element or radical is removed from a compound is called reduction.

Electronic or modern concept of reduction

The chemical process by which an atom, molecule, or ion accept one or more electrons is called oxidation.

Why oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously?


In any chemical reaction, one substance is oxidized and the other is reduced. Oxidation without reduction or reduction without oxidation cannot occur.

That is, electrons are not taken or rejected by any chemical reaction alone.
Electron acceptance or rejection is simultaneous process. This is why it is said that, oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously.

For example, in the reaction of CuSO4 with Zn, Zn is oxidized to Zn2+ by eliminating two electrons. The Cu2+ ion of CuSO4, on the other hand, absorb two electrons and reduced to Cu metal.

Thus in the reaction the oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously. The oxidation-reduction reaction can be written as follows.

What are the limitations of oxidation and reduction?


Electrolytic compounds are formed by the exchange of electrons. As a result, the oxidation-reduction reaction can be easily explained on the basis of electronic concept.

But covalent compounds are not formed by the exchange of electrons.Covalent compounds are formed by sharing of electron pairs.

Consequently the oxidation-reduction reaction of covalent compounds cannot be explained with the help of electronic concept.

Again, in the case of some ionic reactions, receiving or releasing electrons does not occur directly, but indirectly.

Even in the case of such reactions, the oxidation-reduction explanation cannot be explained with the help of electronic theory. For example, exchange reactions.

Oxidation and reduction according to oxidation number

The atom of an element in a state of oxidation or reduction in a free state or in a compound which is expressed by a number with appropriate sign is called the oxidation number.

The oxidation number indicates that the atoms of an element in a compound have received or released some electrons.

We know that taking of electrons by atoms is called reduction and release of electrons is called oxidation.

Again, in oxidation reaction the oxidation number of atoms or ions increases and in reduction reaction the oxidation number of atoms or ions decreases.

Oxidation according to the oxidation number

The chemical reaction in which the oxidation number is increased by the releasing of electrons from atoms or ions is called oxidation reaction.

Reduction according to the oxidation number

The chemical reaction in which the oxidation number is decreased by the receiving of electrons from atoms or ions is called reduction reaction.


  • What are oxidation and reduction reactions with example?
  • What is meaning of oxidation in chemistry?
  • What is meaning of reduction in chemistry?
  • Why oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously?
  • What are the limitations of oxidation and reduction?
  • Oxidation and reduction according to oxidation number



Oxidation and reduction, oxidation-reduction, oxidation and reduction reactions, oxidation and reduction examples, oxidation and reduction reaction definition, oxidation and reduction reaction examples, oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer, oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously, limitations of oxidation and reduction, oxidation and reduction according to oxidation number, 

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