Why Cu is a poor reducing agent-explain.

Why Cu is a poor reducing agent-explain? 


Copper has a positive standard reduction potential.This means that copper does not react with aqueous  H+ ions to release H2 .

Why Cu is a poor reducing agent-explain ?

The reaction simply does not occur. The tendency of copper to change into Cu(II)  ion  is extremely small.

Why Cu is a poor reducing agent-explain ?
 Hence, copper is a particularly poor reducing agent .

The standard reduction potential of copper ( E) at 25 C is given below,
Why Cu is a poor reducing agent-explain ?

What is the spin only magnetic moment of [ Cu ( NH3 ) ] 4 2+ ion ?

In this complex ion , [ Cu ( NH3 ) ]4 2+,the oxidation state of copper is +2 . Because , ammonia is a neutral ligand .

Now ,the atomic number of Cu atom is 29 . So, the number of electron of Cu +2 ion is 27. So, Cu +2 ion is a 3d 9 system .Now, ammonia ( NH3 ) is a strong field ligand.

According to crystal field theory the complex will be a low spin complex and its electronic distribution will be eg4 t2g5 which is shown below.

What is the spin only magnetic moment of [ Cu ( NH3 ) ] 4 2+ ion ?

From the above electronic arrangement , it has been found that Cu +2 ion has one unpaired only.

So the calculated spin only magnetic moment is 1.73 B.M . The calculation of spin only magnetic moment of [ Cu ( NH3 ) ] 4 2+ ion is shown below.

What is the spin only magnetic moment of [ Cu ( NH3 ) ] 4 2+ ion ?

What is the spin only magnetic moment of Cu + ion ?

Now ,the atomic number of Cu atom is 29 . So, the number of electron of Cu + ion is 28. So, Cu + ion is a 3d 10 system

Since Cu + ion contains full filled d-orbital , hence it has no unpaired .The spin only magnetic moment of Cu + ion is zero . 


What is the spin only magnetic moment of [ Cu ( NH3 ) ] 4 2+ ion ?
What is the spin only magnetic moment of Cu + ion ? 
Why copper is a poor reducing agent ? 

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