ring-chain isomerism and metamerism.

Ring-chain isomerism and metamerism.

What is ring-chain isomerism ? 

Two structural isomers having the same molecular formula but possessing open chain and cyclic structures are called ring-chain isomers and this phenomenon is called ring-chain isomerism. 
For example, 1-butene and cyclobutane  show this type of isomerism. 

What is chain isomerism ? 

When two structural isomers with the same molecular formula exhibit different physical and chemical properties due to the different chain formation , then this type of isomerism is called chain isomerism. 
For example, n-pentane , isopentane and neopentane.

What is metamerism ? 

When a bivalent ,trivalent  or tetravalent atom is attached with two different or same alkyl groups resulting in the  formation of two or more structural isomers, then they are called metamers and this phenomenon is called metemerism.

Practice problem.
What is isomerism ?
What is structural isomerism ? 
What is functional group isomerism ? 
What is position isomerism ? 

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