What is chemical bonding and What is dative bond ?

What is chemical bonding ?

The force  of attraction by  which two or more atoms  combine  together to  form  stable molecules or ionic  cluster , is called  chemical  bonding .

Chemical bonding involves the union of two or more atoms through redistribution of electrons in their outer shells involving either transference  of electrons from one atom to another or sharing of electrons among themselves so that all the atoms acquire the stable noble gas configuration  of minimum energy .  

What is dative bond ?

A  different type of covalent bond which can be formed when both the electrons for sharing between the atoms are contributed by one atom only. This type of bond is known as dative bond.  Dative bond  is also called co-ordinate covalent bond.

Condition  for the formation of dative bond.

A dative bond is formed between two atoms  one of which has a complete octet  and at the same time possesses at  least one  pair of unshared  electrons while the other is short of the electrons .

 The former atom contributes one such pair of electrons for mutual sharing  between the two atoms as a result of which the second atom also completes its  octet and acquires  a stable noble gas configuration.  

The atom which contributes the pair of electrons is known as the donor  and the atom  which accepts these electrons is called the acceptor. The free pair of of electrons is known as the lone pair.

The dative bond  is conventionally represented by an arrow  pointing from the donor to the acceptor .


  • What is chemical bonding ? 
  • What is co-ordinate covalent  bond or dative bond ?
  • Condition  for the formation of dative bond.

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